consejos y comentarios para la aplicación de AICLE en Biologia y Geología
Lo ha dicho
"La educación científica de los jóvenes es al menos tan importante, quizás incluso más, que la propia investigación" Glen T. Seaborg.
domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
A continuación, presento una unidad "CLIL didactic unit " preparada para ser aplicada en un aula de 1º de ESO ( LOMCE) para este curso, ya que con el cambio de temario, se ha introducido esta parte nueva: "Los ecosistemas"que se dejará de impartir en 2º de ESO en el curso próximo.
Subject: BIOLOGY
& GEOLOGY Teacher:
Elena Torrecillas
Title of the Unit ECOSYSTEMS Course / Level: ESO 1
1. Learning
/ Evaluation criteria
To know the parts of an
ecosystem and explain their interactions.
To describe terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystem characteristics.
To know the types of
relationships between the living things.
To understand the importance of
the biodiversity for the planet.
2. Subject Content
The different parts of an
ecosystem; the biocenosis and the biotope and how they interact with each other.
Ecosystems on land and in
water. Biomes. Aquatic ecosystems.
The adaptation to the ecosystem
and the relationships between different organisms.
Trophic dynamics; food chains
and food webs.
Make a graphic representation
of an ecosystem
3. Language Content / Communication
Nouns: living beings, ecosphere,
biosphere, ecosystem, biocenosis, biotope, hábitat, ecological niche, biotic,
abiotic, soil, plankton, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, decomposer, predator,
photosynthesis, nutrients, coral, ant, crab, biomolecules, population,
colonial, gregarious, simbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism,
Verbs: interact, survive, grow,
depend on, use, absorb, reduce, keep out, recycle, adapt,
Adjectifs: warm, cleaned, smaller, higher, shallow,
Prepositions: out, through,
Defining; Terrestrial
ecosystems are …..
Referring to quantity; little food, abundant rainfall
superlatives, if…….then, over half of, what is……like?
Expressing contrast; They share
the same hábitat, but….different ecological niches Energy hs a one-way flow, but matter has a
cyclical flow
Making impersonal statements;
Biomass is represented in grams
Reporting facts; Coral reefs
are usually found near the coast.
Discourse type
Language skills
Reading and listening of the
unit points.
Listening videos
Speaking; Giving opinions, to discuss into a small group
Writing: doing and correcting
homework, on the board, assessment.
4.Contextual (cultural) element
The students usually are into a city environment and can know public gardens, some of them have pets, but they do not have a accurace knowledge
of relationships stablished, for example,
between an animal and its habitat. All of this is new stuff for them
and a bit difficult to understand. Nevertheless, they sometime listen or see
on TV the negative effect of pollution, hunting, global warming over the wild
life and understand that we should do any thing for avoiding it.
5. Cognitive
(tinking) processes & 6. Tasks
Session 1 Previous concepts;
several oral questions about the ecosystems “What do they know/remember about
Writing the new vocabulary (see pdf
vocabulary at the end)
Session 2 Analysing an ecosystem: components. Reading
and listening the theory (class book) . Do this interactive activity (digital board)
Session 3 (computer room) World biomes: characteristics Reading the information of this page and
in pairs do this Webquest about biomes;
Session 4 Reading and listening of the clasbook
notes about Habitats and ecological niches. Adaptation Relationships between
organisms; Intra/interspecies. Population and competition. Play with flashcards
related to relationships and definition in groups of 5-6.
Session 5 Trophic dynamics:food chain and food webs.
See and read the information of these videos
Do the activities about food webs: choose For each food chain choose the
correct producer, consumer 1,2,3…
Session 6 Graphic representation of an ecosystem Flows of material and energy. Pyramids. See
this presentation
Session 7 Biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity. Discuss
in pairs about the importance of the biodiversity for human beings.
Session 8 Revising the unit. Do these activiities in
the worksheets given by the teacher . Introduction to the final task; a
presentation about wild species in danger.
Written exam/ assessment
Organisation and class distribution
Individual, in pairs and in
small groups depending of the kind of activitty
Resources/ Materials
Classbook in L2
Workssheets related to contents
giving by the teacher.
Presentation/videos and
interactive activities.
Computers of the Plumier room
(computer room)
Key competences
Linguistic competence
Knowledgeof, and interaction
with, the natural and physical environment
Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Criteria à
see the point 1.
Daily observation,oral participation,
sometimes checking the notebooks. Homework and class activities (realisation).
Take notes of daily student job.
Oral presentation
Written exam
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015
"The Ecosystems" planification
Session 1 Previous concepts; several oral questions about the ecosystems in L1 “What do they know/remember about nature” ¿Qué es un ecosistema? ¿Sabéis algún ejemplo? ¿qué es la biodiversidad?.....para entrar en materia. Introduction to the ecosystems Video Writing the new vocabulary. (así vamos conociendo el vocabulario nuevo específico del tema, y no hay que ir traduciendo todo lo que se va leyendo).
Session 2 Analysing an ecosystem: components. Reading and listening the theory (class book or similar ). (Leémos la parte correspondiente a esta sesión y vemos la parte correspondiente en la presentación).
Session 3 (computer room) World biomes: characteristics Reading the information of this page and in pairs do next; Webquest about biomes;
Session 4 Reading and listening the clasbook notes about habitats and ecological niches. Adaptation, Relationships between organisms; Intra/inter species. Population and competition. (De forma similar a la sesión 2, con ayuda de apuntes y presentación).
Play with flashcards related to relationships and definition in groups of 5-6. ( Se puede hacer en el ordenador si disponemos de aula plumier o bien imprimimos y plastificamos si fuera posible tantas copias como grupos se formen).
Session 5 Trophic dynamics:food chain and food webs. See and read the information of these videos
Do the activities about food chains and webs, go to :
Session 6 Graphic representation of an ecosystem Flows of material and energy. theory of Pyramids. See the presentation with examples of pyramids and its meaning.
Go to and do some actitivities related to this.
Session 7 Biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity. In pairs, discuss about the importance of the biodiversity for human beings, after Reading in class this document:
Session 8 Revising the unit. Do activities given by the teacher. (se preparan actividades para revisar)
Session 9 Exposition: Oral presentation about a wild species in danger in groups /maybe 2-3 sessions more will be needed. (Dependerá si es obligatorio u opcional. Como ampliación de la sesión 7 sobre la importancia de la biodiversidad. Se darán instrucciones con antelación)
Session 10 Written exam/ assessment. Se ponen preguntas en L1 y L2, ya que se emplean las dos lenguas en clase.
Ressources clil about ecosystems
In this unit "The ecosystems" that I have commented in the previous entry I have proposed the use interesting web pages as:
or a presentation;
2- An interactive activity about the parts of a ecosystem:
3-A web quest about biomes
4-Flash card of relationship in the ecosystems, to play in class:
5-Interesting vídeos about food webs
4-Flash card of relationship in the ecosystems, to play in class:
5-Interesting vídeos about food webs
6- Several interactive activities in this Symbaloo;
With these activities we can give all the necessary information clil (aicle) to the students and do our classes more enjoyable.
domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015
Análisis de la unidad "The ecosystems" (AICLE)
He elegido una unidad de Ciencias Naturales de 2º de un compañero de ediciones anteriores; “The ecosystems” ya que tiene que ver con la asignatura que imparto este curso además del nivel. La dirección es:
La he analizado siguiendo los puntos propuestos por la tutora, exponiendo mis comentarios a continuación:
- Cómo se ve reflejado el trabajo con la lengua y el contenido a la vez? ¿Qué actividades lo evidencian?
- ¿Que características de la metodología AICLE se ven reflejadas y de qué modo?, ¿uso de andamiaje, flexibilidad, cercano al alumno, variedad de recursos, trabajo por tareas, etc.?
-Flexibilidad y facilidad: Los materiales se han adaptado para poder desarrollar la unidad en ambas lenguas L1 y L2.
-Interacción, autonomía y variedad de recursos: También tienen disponibilidad de ordenadores y pizarra digital, lo que facilita la comprensión (una imagen vale más que mil palabras) y se pueden realizar actividades varias de hotpotatoes. La interacción entre los alumnos y profesor-alumno se ve favorecida.
-Trabajo por tareas: La unidad parece enfocada al significado y al contenido y no a la lengua aunque se incluyen actividades que se centran más en ella. Hay tareas de recepción (leer y escuchar) y también de producción (trabajo en parejas y proyecto final).
- ¿De qué manera se refleja en las actividades de la unidad?
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