Lo ha dicho

"La educación científica de los jóvenes es al menos tan importante, quizás incluso más, que la propia investigación" Glen T. Seaborg.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Ressources clil about ecosystems

In this unit "The ecosystems"  that I have commented in the previous entry I have proposed the use interesting web pages as:

1-To introduce to the ecosystems/ a video: https://youtu.be/WuejxJttBqo
 or a presentation;   http://www.slideshare.net/shoreyl/3-biosphere

2- An interactive activity about the parts of a ecosystem:

3-A web quest about biomes   http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=220199

4-Flash card of relationship in the ecosystems, to play in class:   https://quizlet.com/8122968/flashcards

5-Interesting vídeos about food webs     
-->https://youtu.be/MuKs9o1s8h8  https://youtu.be/Vtb3I8Vzlfg

6-  Several interactive activities in this Symbaloo;   http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/energypyramid-foodwebs

With these activities we can give all the necessary information clil  (aicle) to the students and do our classes more enjoyable.


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